How Increased Sexual Desire Can Enhance Overall Well-Being

If you’re a man or woman who’s experienced a lull in your sexual desire or stamina, you may be looking into libido enhancement as a way to rekindle that fire. Whether your low libido is temporary or more long-term, there are several things you can try to rekindle that natural spark, including dietary changes, exercise and libido supplements.

The causes of low libido vary by person and can be complex. Some factors include hormone levels, illness, stress and the use of certain medications. In addition, some people are genetically predisposed to a lower libido. In men, testosterone plays a major role in libido. In women, the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone are key. However, a low libido can also be caused by other factors, such as a loss of interest in intimate activity or a disconnect from your partner.

Changing your lifestyle is often the best way to increase sexual drive and pleasure. For example, exercise increases endorphins, which help improve mood and boost libido. Eating a balanced diet that’s high in fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean protein helps promote hormonal balance and supports arousal. Getting enough sleep and managing your stress level can help as well. Finally, limiting or eliminating alcohol and other drugs can also increase your libido and help you feel better overall.

While many foods are marketed as libido-boosting foods or aphrodisiacs, the evidence supporting these claims is thin, says Ikhlas Khan, PhD. He coauthored a study on supplements marketed for women’s sexuality that found little to no high-quality studies of these products in a paper published in 2020 in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

Libido enhancers can be useful for men and women who are struggling with a lack of sexual interest or vaginal dryness, but it’s important to talk with your doctor before you begin any new supplement or make other significant lifestyle changes. In addition to libido enhancers, other natural ways to increase your sexual desires and pleasure include foreplay, oral sex, and the use of sex toys. Why not give provestra 2024 supplement a try too?

Ultimately, your libido is determined by a complex mix of biological, psychological, relational and medical/medication forces, Dr. Mintz explains. Some factors are beyond your control, such as a traumatic event, age or the side effects of medications you take. However, making simple adjustments to your lifestyle and working with a sex therapy professional can significantly improve the quality of your sex life. For instance, sex therapists can teach you and your partner how to communicate more effectively about your sex lives. They can also encourage discussion about your sex needs and motivations. This will help both partners become more invested in the intimacy and can even result in increased libido. If you and your partner are struggling, couples therapy might be a good option.